King’s Academy Bay House recognises that excellent teaching and learning is led by the needs of the learner. It is good practice to adapt plans according to what is in the best interests of our students. Learning lost because of the pandemic is something we are responding to. Therefore our curriculum intentions outlined here are an example and taster of our planning.
We offer a wide range of subjects in Years 7-11. Click the boxes below to find out more about what each subject offers.
Business, Enterprise and Economics
Business is for pupils who want to learn more about and are interested in learning about the core business concepts and how businesses work. Which is extremely topical in today's market. Pupils learn how to analyse financial information to assess how well a business is performing.
Computing & ICT
The Computer Science and ICT department at Bay House School aims to equip learners with the skills needed to be successful when using technology and survive in the dynamic digital environment.
Pupils and students will learn how to apply computational thinking skills to a range of problems in Computing Science and ICT.
English is a critical part of today’s education. We aim to help our learners develop into effective, articulate communicators, who have the skills to succeed in the 21st century. Our innovative approaches, including the use of ICT in the classrooms, means that we are able to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities they may face in their future.
History has an important role in helping students to understand who they are and where they are in the broader context of their place in society, the world and in time. We aim to help students develop successful working relationships with others through group activities and role-play; as well as developing their self-discipline, independent learning and problem-solving skills.
The library staff aim to promote reading for pleasure in a number of ways and to support students by providing a range of resources to facilitate learning. We host numerous events throughout the year including an author visit, the celebration of World Book Day as well as themed reading weeks. The library promotes research and study skills and works closely with students requiring reading support and intervention.
Modern Foreign Languages
Why should I learn a language? English is not enough!
Languages are the perfect way to travel and immerse yourself in new cultures.
Future employers will love a second language on your CV.
Learning a foreign language can help you understand your own language.
They’re good for you! A second language improves your memory.
Performing Arts
The Performing Arts is dedicated to providing every pupil and student with an inspiring and thought provoking curriculum and enrichment programme that is relevant to today's society. We will raise achievement and foster an enjoyment and passion for the arts in an inclusive environment.
Physical Education
The P.E. Department aims to provide pupils with a high quality curriculum that is broad, balanced and is accessible to all. By embedding key ‘Concepts’ and ‘Gosport Future skills’ into the PE programme, we aim to holistically develop pupils and enable them to lead a lifelong, active and healthy lifestyle.
Our PSHRE provision complements and supports our ‘in and beyond’ curriculum provision to do all we can to ensure our young people are confident, respectful, kind, knowledgeable and aware, see themselves and others as equal, are tolerant and accepting of difference, are patient and respectful and have a clarity for what they value and why.