Design & Technology

In design and technology we allow students the opportunity to to develop and practise their creativity skills and explore how the manufactured world around them is designed and created. In year 9, they will develop their designing and making skills, through a range of materials and media, including timber, polymers, metals and graphic design media, as a foundation for their further studies in years 10 and 11.

Through a range of in-class and independent learning projects, the students will experience and build their skills in a range of different contexts that link to possible careers in manufacturing, engineering and design.

In year 10, students can choose to continue to study one of 2 options – GCSE Design and Technology or GCSE 3D Design.

GCSE Design and Technology allows students to develop their technical knowledge and understanding of designing and manufacturing, and put this into practice through a range of design and make activities. They will explore the impact that design and manufacture has on the world, and what we can do to minimise the negatives. They will be assessed through a final written exam and a design and make project that is completed over the course of year 11.

In GCSE 3D Design students will have the opportunity to apply their creativity and practical skills to developing a range of products and outcomes in response to a range of design needs and influences. They will explore the work of different designers and movements and prototype outcomes in response to these. They will build up a portfolio of work over the duration of the course and submit this alongside the outcome of a final controlled assessment provided by the exam board.