We could not be prouder of the Upper Sixth students!
29% A*-A
63% A*-B (national average 54%)
86% A*-C (national average 76%)
9 students have secured places in medicine, veterinary medicine and dentistry.

The Sixth Form which prides itself on the support we provide to our students regarding their academic progress and personal development.
Our teachers and tutors also work within the school, so understand the step from GCSE to A level. The small class sizes help to ensure that students are treated as an individual.
We have a dedicated team of subject leads who oversee the sixth form curriculum and work with their teams to ensure that we track progress effectively. The recent Ofsted report recognises that ‘students are well supported in their academic learning. Teachers are experts in the subjects they teach. They use this knowledge to make learning clear for pupils. Students speak highly of the support they receive to make applications to university and have high aspirations for a bright future.’
We dedicate time to ensuring that students are supported with their next steps, typically 90% of our students are accepted into their first choice university. We also have students who are successful in securing degree apprenticeships and their chosen paths of employment. Tutor time consists of a range of activities, including personal development, reflection, debating, presentations and topical quizzes. We have a pastoral team on hand to help with any well-being issues and the Sixth Form Year Office has an open door policy.
Best wishes to all our past, current and future students
The Sixth Form Team
Miss Osborne – Head of the Sixth Form
Mr Woolway and Mr Farrelly – Deputy Head of the Sixth Form
Mrs Dowson – Transition into and out of the Sixth Form
Mrs Fitzpatrick – Pastoral and Administration