School Policies
In addition to the King’s Academy Bay House policies which can be viewed or downloaded below, the KGA Trust-wide policies are available on the Trust’s central website. These include the Complaints Procedure, Whistle-Blowing Policy, financial policies and reports, privacy notices, gender pay gap information, details of the amount of time off taken by staff who are union officials to carry out their union duties and Gender Pay Gap information.
Behaviour and Attendance
- Attendance link
- Behaviour Policy and Statement of Behaviour Principles 2024-2025 link
- Suspension and Permanent Exclusion link
Data Protection, Privacy, FOI
- Data Protection and GDPR link
- Biometric Recognition Systems link
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme link
Health and Safety
- Health and Safety link
– Includes: Premises documents - Health and Safety Risk Assessment link
- Fire Safety link
- First Aid Policy link
Safeguarding and Child Protection
- Anti-bullying link
- Safeguarding and Child Protection link
– Includes: Approach to single central register - Young Carers Policy link
Special Educational Needs and Disability
- Accessibility policy and plan link
- SEND policy link
- SEND Information Report
- Early Career Teachers Policy
Student Welfare
- Pupils with Medical Conditions link
– Includes: Children with health needs who cannot attend school - Designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children link