Assessment Information


Assessment is always carried out for a purpose.  Assessment that is valid and reliable is invaluable in offering rigorous, systematic information to teachers to inform action.

The aims of this policy, which is shared with both adults and pupils, will:


    • Create a dialogue between pupil and teacher/other adults.
    • Ensure continuity for the learner as he/she moves through the Academy
    • Signal areas of achievement to the pupil, thereby motivating them to make progress.
    • Identify areas requiring further development to pupils and adults which will be used to inform future planning.
    • Raise the achievement and self-esteem of pupils by providing them with regular, high quality, diagnostic feedback about their work.


The School assessment consists of:


    •  In-school formative assessment – which is used by teachers to evaluate pupils’ knowledge and understanding on a day-to-day basis and to tailor teaching accordingly
    • In-school summative assessment – which will enable teachers to evaluate how much a pupil has learned at the end of a teaching period
    • Nationally standardised summative assessment – which will ensure our pupils are achieving outcomes, at least in line with or above National Average.


Formative Assessment (i.e. work completed during a 6 week cycle as pupils work towards identified key skills or assessments)


    • Feedback is provided from teacher marking that conveys: what went well (WWW) and even better if (EBI).
    • Comments are specific and directly linked to key skills and success criteria shared with pupils beforehand.
    • Pupils respond to their feedback using a purple pen for progress/improvement/mastery work


Summative Assessment (i.e. Assessments that have been completed to assess pupil progress)


    •   The teacher marks the assessment and records feedback explaining what the pupil has done well and what they need to improve 


  The principles and aims of assessment

Planning and assessment are always carried out for a purpose with the intrinsic aim of supporting student progress.  Assessment that is both valid and reliable is invaluable in offering rigorous, systematic information to teachers to inform their future planning.

The aims of this policy are to:


    • Create a dialogue between student and teacher/other adults
    •  Ensure continuity and progression for the learner as he/she moves through the school
    • Acknowledges areas of key skill knowledge success to the student, thereby motivating them to make progress
    • Identify key skill areas requiring further development to students and adults, which will be used to inform future planning
    • Raise the achievement and self-esteem of students by providing them with regular, high quality, diagnostic feedback about their work



At the school, assessment consists of:


    • In-school formative assessment – which is used by teachers to evaluate students’ key skill knowledge and understanding on a day-to-day basis and hence to inform their planning of further student learning
    • In-school summative assessment – which will enable teachers to evaluate the skills and knowledge learnt at the end of a teaching period, unit or module
    • Nationally standardised summative assessment – which will ensure students are achieving outcomes, at least in line with or above National Average



Dedicated improvement and reflection time (DIRT) is an essential part of the Plan, Do, Adapt, Review model.  This planned opportunity provides regular focussed support for students to understand what key skills they have accomplished and what they still need to develop. 


Key assessment dates


  Likely Window Deadline To Parents Or online* Parents Eve 
Autumn Term
Year 11 Revision Conference – BAY HOUSE       17 Oct 
Y11 Full Reports      w/c 20 Nov  
Y9 Assessment Window 13 Nov – 17 Nov      
Y9 Parent Info Evening (options) – BAY HOUSE       20 Nov
Y9 Progress Check data      w/c 11 Dec  
Year 11 PPE’s (All subjects in exam venues) 27 Nov – 8 Dec      
Y10 Progress Check data      w/c 1 Jan  
Y11 PPE Grades & Progress Check data      w/c 15 Jan  
Spring Term
Y9 Parents’ Evening – BAY HOUSE       4 Jan
Y11 Mock Results Day – BAY HOUSE       16 Jan 
Y8 Assessment Window 22 Jan – 26 Jan      
Y11 Parents’ Evening – BAY HOUSE       25 Jan 
Y7 Assessment Window 29 Jan – 2 Feb      
Y8 Progress Data      w/c 4 Mar  
Y7 Progress Data      w/c 11 Mar  
Y10 Full Reports for SLT checking     w/c 11 Mar  
Y11 Spring PPE’s (core subjects only in exam venues – all other papers in class) 4 – 8 Mar       
Y9 Assessment window 18 Mar – 22 Mar      
Y11 Progress Check data      w/c 22 Apr  
Y8 Parents’ Evening – BAY HOUSE       19 Mar
Summer Term        
Y8 Assessment Window 15 Apr – 19 Apr 19 Apr    
Y9 Progress Data      w/c 6 May  
Y10 PPEs  15 Apr – 3 May TBC      
Y7 Parents’ Evening – BAY HOUSE       25 April
Y8 Progress Data     w/c 3 June  
Y7 Assessment Window 13 May – 17 May      
Y10 PPE Grades & Progress Check data      w/c 17 Jun  
Y10 Parents’ Evening – BAY HOUSE       25 Jun
Y7 Progress Data      w/c 8 July  
Results Days
GCSE Results Day        22 August