Attendance and Absence Reporting

Reporting an absence from school
Parents/carers must report their child’s absence from school by 08.00am for each day of absence.
To report a MAIN SCHOOL absence (Year 7 to Year 11) please call the school on 02392 587931 and press Option 1. Alternatively, you can email the attendance team on
To report a SIXTH FORM absence please call the school on 02392 587931 and press Option 2. Alternatively, you can email the Sixth Form team on
The Bay House Attendance Team
- Mrs Rigg
- Mrs Gunnell
Attendance to School
How often must you come to school?
- Every weekday when the school is open to pupils during term-time.
What is excellent attendance in school?
- Excellent attendance is 100%.
What is good attendance in school?
- Good attendance is 98% and above.
What is poor attendance in school?
- Poor attendance is 90% and under during the school year.
- Attendance of 90% and below is classed as ‘persistent absenteeism’ from school by Hampshire County Council.
- 90% attendance is equal to 1 day of absence every two weeks during term-time.
- 90% attendance means that 4 school weeks and more than 95 lessons have been missed throughout the school year.
Why is it important to have good attendance in school?
- Good attendance is important for keeping up with your learning so that you can make progress and achieve your best attainment levels and outcomes.
- Good attendance is important for developing skills of character: resilience, perseverance and self-regulation.
- Good attendance is important for developing social skills.
- Good attendance is important for future employment.
Attendance matters:
Promoting Good Attendance at King’s Academy Bay House
Tutors and Year Offices work together to support pupils in achieving excellent attendance. They consistently monitor pupils’ attendance and punctuality. If attendance falls below the expected levels, a variety of colleagues, including the Attendance Team, work with the young person and their family.
A range of strategies are deployed to support improvements in attendance and include:
- In-school support
- Home visits
- In-school attendance panel
- Legal interventions (as outlined in Hampshire County Council’s code of conduct).
If you need support or advice with attendance, please contact your child’s Tutor or Year Office in the first instance.
Absences from school
- Every half-day absence from school is either ‘authorised’ or ‘unauthorised’, following the most up-to-date government guidelines.
- With genuine reasons for absence, evidence should be provided such as a copy of a prescription or a medical consultation record.
- An absence will be unauthorised if there is not a genuine reason for the absence.
- Holidays taken during term-time will be unauthorised and fixed penalty fines will be issued.
Mental Health Support
- If a pupil’s mental health is likely to impact their attendance, they should speak to their Tutor or Year Office who will support them further.
- Line up/tutor starts at 08.45am. Arrival to line up/tutor after 08.45am but before 09.15am will be marked as ‘late’ on the school registers.
- Arrivals to school after 09.15am are marked as an unauthorised absence due to arrival after the statutory register has closed.
- Lateness to lessons during the day will be marked as ‘late’ on the school registers.
- If your child has any unauthorised absences, fixed penalty notices can be issued by Hampshire County Council.
Attendance Documents
- BH Attendance Policy for pupils:
- Advice for parents/carers on penalty notices for non-attendance:
- Code of conduct:
- Request for absence from school due to exceptional circumstances: