Our PSHRE provision complements and supports our ‘in and beyond’ curriculum provision to do all we can to ensure our young people are confident, respectful, kind, knowledgeable and aware, see themselves and others as equal, are tolerant and accepting of difference, are patient and respectful and have a clarity for what they value and why.

Young people at Bay House explore these views in a pressure free and supportive classroom and school environment. PSHRE provision at Bay House happens throughout the taught curriculum, through every subject, through all the different activities and experiences young people have at Bay House and through the interactions between us all in the community.

The ‘taught’ PSHRE programme is far more than ‘just’ the topics taught, and it provides a strong foundations for our collective work in developing citizens of the future who are confident, happy and successful.

The formal PSHRE programme is designed by looking across a pupil’s five years with us at Bay House, and to complement and be complemented by, activity across other subjects, the tutor and assembly programme, our work developing ‘Gosport Futures’, ‘The GFM Way’ and the range of other exciting activities available for young people at Bay House. The programmes are reviewed and adapted to respond to current national or local agendas, and content is explored, designed and delivered to be age appropriate and relevant, building and developing on pupil’s prior learning.

Each member of the PSHRE team aspires to develop a climate of trust and care within lessons in order to support pupils to build their confidence and knowledge and feel comfortable to contribute.  This way pupils develop the confidence to make their own informed decisions on a wide variety of topics, both now and in the future, to challenge and debate, and to feel driven to participate in bringing about change in their society.

Staff in the PSHRE team are key members of the school’s safe guarding and child protection teams. Providing specific support and guidance to young people, advice, guidance and support to staff, and responsible for delivering wide ranging staff training and development.

PSHRE at Bay House aspires to support, nurture and challenge all pupils to be:

  • Self-confident with self-belief
  • motivated and responsible learners
  • aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens
  • able to make informed choices and decisions in order to stay healthy, happy and safe
  • socially, politically and legally informed, with expertise and experience to thrive in a democratic world
  • able to relate positively to others and build and sustain positive, mutually beneficial relationships
  • know and understand a range of beliefs, faiths and values
  • respectful of difference, such as to those with different beliefs, faiths, or identity
  • able and willing to challenge unfairness or inequality such as bullying or discrimination
  • concerned about the welfare of others
  • able to articulate their opinions and arguments, and have a voice
  • capable of having an influence on the world and make a positive contribution to society
  • responsible in how they act as citizens, and able to successfully deal with significant life changes and challenges
  • prepared for the challenges and opportunities of adult and working life, in a complex and diverse world

In summary, the taught PSHRE curriculum at Bay House focuses on developing pupil’s skills and dispositions, and their ability to discuss and debate with others from a point of knowledge while maintaining a focus on high aspirations for themselves and others. Thus having the essential skills for living in a multi-faith and multi-belief society and in a diverse and connected world. The taught PSHRE programme therefore focuses on developing skills, dispositions and aspirations within two broad themes:

  • Values, the individual and society
  • Health, well-being, safety and risk

PSHRE at Bay House – at a glance

Values, the individual and society

Year 7
  • Team work and respect
  • Moving up to ‘big school’
  • Organisation skills
  • Qualities of positive friendship and peer groups
  • Families (good times and bad, different types of family, stereotypes)
  • What makes a good citizen?
Year 8
  • Self esteem
  • Media influence
  • Relationships (good and bad, pressures, the law)
  • Understanding and respecting difference – disabilities, young carers, Asperger’s and autism
  • Celebrating diversity, British values and society, immigration and asylum seeking
  • Human rights and responsibilities
Year 9
  • Relationships (expectations, good and bad, consent)
  • Homelessness
  • Aspirations for myself and others, careers
  • Rights and responsibilities (including The Prevent Agenda)
Year 10
  • Relationships (self esteem and self value, good and bad relationships and choices)
  • The Law including anti-social behaviour and its impact on society, should cannabis be legalised?, long term alcohol dependence and its impact on families and society
  • Project: planning a teenage house party
Year 11
  • Human rights and responsibilities
  • Freedom writers
  • Project: what makes a hero?
  • Refugees – rights and responsibilities across the world
  • Respecting differences – understanding our rights in the work place, reviewing the Protected Characteristics Equality Act and reflecting on history of terrorism and the impact it has.
  • socially, politically and legally informed, with expertise and experience to thrive in a democratic world
  • aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens
  • respectful of difference, such as to those with different beliefs, faiths, or identity
  • able and willing to challenge unfairness or inequality such as bullying or discrimination
  • concerned about the welfare of others • capable of having an influence on the world and make a positive contribution to society
  • able to relate positively to others and build and sustain positive, mutually beneficial relationships
  • know and understand a range of beliefs, faiths and values • responsible in how they act as citizens, and able to successfully deal with significant life changes and challenges
  • prepared for the challenges and opportunities of adult and working life, in a complex and diverse world

Health, Wellbeing, safety and risk

Year 7
  • What is bullying and how do we manage it?
  • Internet safety / cyber bullying (keeping ourselves safe online)
  • Puberty, understanding our bodies, the changes our body will go through and the importance of personal hygiene.
  • Smoking (including smoking and peer pressure)
  • Healthy eating and exercise
  • Mental health awareness
  • Drugs awareness
  • Respecting others’ beliefs and religions
  • Protected characteristics, prejudice and discrimination
Year 8
  • Bullying (including online safety, managing friendship challenges)
  • Dangers of grooming, how to spot the signs, keeping yourself safe online and in relationships
  • Alcohol facts and fiction
  • First aid
  • Vaping, solvent abuse, cannabis fact and fiction
Year 9
  • Sexual health
  • Drugs awareness
  • Screen and devices awareness and well being
  • Exercise and well being
  • Obesity
  • Managing stress
Year 10
  • Sexual health (including contraception, STIs, choices)
  • Smoking, Cannabis and
  • Alcohol: short, medium and long term potential health risks and implications
  • Managing stress
Year 11
  • What is anxiety and depression?
  • Managing stress
  • Keeping oneself safe:
  • Sexual health (including HIV/Aids awareness)
  • Drugs and alcohol
  • Teenage pregnancy
  • able to make informed choices and decisions in order to stay healthy, happy and safe
  • able to successfully deal with significant life changes and challenges
  • self-confident with self-belief, 
  • motivated and responsible learners
  • able to articulate their opinions and arguments, and have a voice

PSHRE provision at Bay House explores issues that are:

  • real – affect people’s lives
  • topical – are current today
  • sensitive – can affect people at a personal level, especially when family or friends are involved
  • controversial – people disagree and hold strong opinions about them
  • moral – relate to what people think is right or wrong, good or bad, important or unimportant in society.

PSHRE provision at Bay House draws expertise, advice, guidance and experiences from a range of national and local sources including:

  • ‘Keeping children safe in Education’ – DFE 2022
  • ‘Prevent Duty Guidance’ – HM Government 2015
  • ‘Promoting Fundamental British Values’ – DFE Guidance 2015
  • ‘Promoting Fundamental British Values through SMSC’ – DFE 2014
  • SMSC statutory guidance
  • NSPCC TES Safeguarding in Education toolkit
  • Hampshire Safeguarding Children’s Board recommendations
  • The County Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education
  • United Nations Conventions: Rights of the Child
  • PSHE Association