Friends of Kings Academy Bay House
Who are we?
- At King’s Academy Bay House we are very lucky to have a small group of parents/carers and teachers who form the Friends @Bay House.
- A “friends” group is the same as a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) but can be joined by any person over the age of 18 who wishes to offer appropriate help and support.
- Our funds also support King’s Academy Bay House Sixth Form.
What are our aims?
- To fundraise to provide new resources and facilities which cannot be paid for from the existing school’s budgets. All money raised goes to the school.
- To promote closer ties between the schools and home.
- To encourage parent participation within the school community.
How will we achieve this?
- We run a Quiz Night every term to raise funds.
- With more volunteers we could offer more activities, raising more money and more social opportunities.
- We might sell refreshments at some events.
Why join the Friends @ Bay House
- Fewer and fewer Secondary schools have a Friends Group, but as budgets become tighter the funding provided by the Friends has become even more important.
- The fundraising will directly support your child’s education.
- Get to know other parents and share experiences of the school with them.
- It will help you form more links with the school.
- Parents and carers of pupils transitioning into Year 7 may find that being part of the Friends helps them feel more involved in this journey/process.
How much time does it involve?
- We aim to meet once a half term to plan activities. At the moment we meet at the school but might start meeting at a pub to promote the social aspect!
- There is no requirement to come to every meeting. Sometimes we might just need an extra pair of hands at an event or for someone just to have a good idea.
- If you don’t want to get involved but have a business and feel you would like to help with donations or sponsorship at future events, please get in touch.
- Any involvement, however small, is much appreciated.
How have funds previously been spent?
- Items bought in previous years from our funds have included: funding to support the DofE Silver Award provision, equipment for Solace (the Bereavement group), funding for a cookery club and support for the Model United Nations weekly club and their attendance at a National Conference.
What will future funds be spent on?
- We ask for requests from teachers and as a committee decide how to allocate our fundraising.
- The aim of the funding is to provide additional equipment, visits or support that is not routinely covered by the school budget and is to be for the direct benefit of the pupils at the school.
- Furthermore, we would prefer this to have a wide appeal, benefitting a large number of pupils and to provide growth beyond the curriculum.
How can you contact us?
- Please email us at: