Bay House Students Make Their Mark!

An incredible 1362 Bay House pupils and sixth form students this week took part in voting in the Make Your Mark 2024 initiative.

‘Make your Mark’ is the largest youth voice consultation in Europe and since it began over 5 million 11-18 year olds have taken part.  Pupils could choose from 10 issues and select the one that matters to them the most.  The top three issues will be debated in Parliament in the House of Commons later this year. 

Bay House School’s Youth Member of Parliament Dylan Matthias (Year 9) said “it’s really important that young people have a say in current issues and I am so pleased that so many people voted. I am looking forward to representing our views in London.” 

The top three issues Bay House pupils voted for were:

  • Crime & Safety
  • Jobs, the Economy and Benefits
  • Health and Wellbeing

The total number of votes for Make Your Mark 2024 from Bay House School and Sixth Form were as follows.

Topic Totals

Main School


Sixth Form

Climate Change and the Environment. 118 41
Crime & Safety. 211 10
Culture, Media, Sport. 178 10
Education and Learning. 114 31
Health & Wellbeing. 200 41
International Relations. 65 12
Jobs, the Economy & Benefits. 226 49
Rights, Equalities & Democracy. 123 17
Transport. 77 8
Youth Work & Young People’s Services. 86 4
1398 223