Provision for Children in Care

Provision for Children in Care/Looked After Child and those Adopted from Care/Post Looked After Care 2021/22

We pride ourselves on the inclusive culture in our school. LAC/PLAC are well cared for, have their needs met, barriers overcome and experience success emotionally, academically and socially. Our designated teacher is fully trained, all staff experience a wide range of training to allow them to actively support LAC/PLAC members of the school community and we have a fully trained (level 5 diploma) trauma informed practitioner on site.

Intent To identify the needs of learners as early as possible to ensure rapid deployment of resources and adult support. To ensure there is a multi agency approach to all provision and Personal Education Plans (PEP) for LAC/PLAC To have full access to a range of educational and extracurricular activities To receive an appropriate amount of monitoring and support
Implementation Diagnostic assessments across academic and well being needs are used by class teachers/Designated Teacher and analysed to assess needs and to inform appropriate support. Termly PEP meeting with social worker, child, carer and school all able to have a voice. 

Close working with the virtual school to ensure provision/spending is appropriate. 

Close working with the carer and family.

All planning is bespoke to the needs of the individual.

Learners are invited to join clubs and have places prioritised.

Learners have costs of clubs covered by attached funding. 

Barriers such as travel will be removed. 

Leaders and teachers ensure regular, consistent monitoring of progress, well being and happiness of the child, analyzing and adjusting based upon evidence. 
Impact Learners that are in care or post looked after will achieve well, at least in line with their peers, as a consequence of the removal of barriers to learning. Plans support learners inside and outside of school. 

Effective multi agency working ensures that individual needs are responded to appropriately and  in a timely manner.

Full participants in all school based clubs and events e.g. Dance Live

Outside of school they participate in clubs for enjoyment. 

Learners make good progress and feel supported and cared for.