GCSE Worldviews trip to Al Mahdi Centre

Today (15.06.23) some of the GCSE Worldviews students went on a trip to the Al Mahdi Centre in Titchfield to learn more about Islamic beliefs and practices.

This was a great enrichment opportunity for these students to deepen their understanding of Islam and address any misconceptions.

They were greeted by the Imam who gave them a tour of the local mosque and answered all of the questions they prepared in class.

The students thoroughly enjoyed their visit, and a few of them have said:

Maja – I was made to feel like I have a better understanding on the media’s portrayal of Islam, and it opened my eyes to be more respectful to everyone

Darcey – It was very educational and I learnt different points of view on community

Jess – It was good to see what a Muslims life was like on a daily basis and interesting to see what challenges they face

Adam – Interesting to learn about their rituals and prayers and have a go at how they would do it