
Drama is a much loved subject and pupils go on their own personal journey, regardless of their starting point.

Key Stage 3

Bay House School is proud to offer drama once a week for all pupils in KS3. Within the subject pupils get the chance to:

  • Create drama and explore their imagination.
  • Perform drama and reflect on the work critically.
  • Respond to their own and their peers’ drama to make the work better and develop skills from lesson to lesson, as well as many opportunities to attend the professional theatre.

Drama is taught in a designated drama block and pupils will explore particular drama skills and build on them year on year. From exploring thematic work and the world of Ancient Greek theatre, to masks and melodrama, to believable character work and different theatre styles, we prepare pupils for GCSE.

Those who opt not to study GCSE Drama will have gained and developed transferable skills to use outside the classroom, from confidence, to public speaking and team work skills.

We will give every pupil the chance to succeed and an opportunity to be involved in a wide range of school based and community co-curricular projects and theatre trips.

Key Stage 4

GCSE Drama (AQA specification)

The Drama Curriculum at KS4 is exciting, creative and challenging. It has been designed to help pupils develop as a performer.  It also encourages pupils to develop critical thinking skills and become effective and independent learners. With the focus on working imaginatively, collaborating creatively and communicating effectively, the curriculum provides a solid foundation for further Drama studies and vocational opportunities. Taught in a purpose built drama/dance block the course allows pupils to practically explore drama and theatre in a variety of ways.

Over the two years’ pupils will be assessed on their ability to prepare and present both scripted and unscripted material and will study a variety of different genres and styles. There are both practical and written assessments spread throughout the two years. We also aim to ensure that pupils will see at least two live productions during the course to enrich their understanding of the theatrical form and to help prepare them for the written demands of the exam. Ongoing project work (both written and practical) is expected to be completed that allows pupils to reflect on their aims as performers and also requires them to evaluate their skills. 

Essentially the pupils are assessed as follows:

Two formal controlled assessments over the course, one of which is assessed by an external examiner and a terminal 1 hour 45 minute written paper worth 40% of the total marks for the course. This will contain questions on:

  • Knowledge and understanding of drama and theatre.
  • Study of a set play from a choice of six.
  • Analysis and evaluation of the work of live theatre makers.

GCSE Drama will enable pupils to gather many invaluable skills, both theatrical and transferable, to expand their horizons. 

Key Stage 5

A Level Drama and Theatre (AQA specification)

The A Level Drama and Theatre course is a very successful course for our Sixth Form students. Through engaging lessons and active research students are encouraged to develop a lifelong passion for Theatre.

Over the course students will demonstrate an advanced level of performance and production skills alongside their ability to think independently, make judgements and refine work in the light of research. They will also develop the ability to analyse the ways in which different performance and production elements are brought together to create theatre through the study of set texts and live theatre.

The A Level Drama and Theatre course is particularly suitable for those wishing to pursue arts-related degree courses.  It is relevant for those wishing to pursue a career in the theatre, film or television. It is also useful for any career involving communications or public relations.

For more information on our A Level Drama & Theatre Studies provision please visit the course information area of our Sixth Form website

For more information and regular updates please find us on Instagram at bay_house_drama