Information for Students

Careers - Builders

The Careers team is here to help you throughout your time at the school and will organise events and activities each year to support you; this is especially important at transition points where you need to make key decisions about your next steps such as choosing the subjects to study during Years 10 and 11 and progressing on to Post-16 or Post-18 study.

All students will have a 1:1 Post-16 Planning meeting during KS4 with a qualified Careers Advisor, and an additional meeting during KS5 if attending the Bay House Sixth Form. You will be advised of the date and time of your meeting by email and via your Tutor. After the meeting you will receive a personalised Action Plan with useful links and next steps.

All students are encouraged to use the CareerPilot platform and have an account linked to their school email address. There is a wide range of information to help plan your future study and work, including:

  • Your choices at 14, 16 and 18
  • Different job sectors and what employers are looking for
  • Information on routes to different qualifications including apprenticeships and university level study
  • Your skills and how to use them
  • Online careers sessions and stories.

Our Bay House Careers Site is regularly updated with videos and up to date information and contains key links to college, university, employment and training options.

Students can drop in to the Careers Room for an informal chat with a Careers Advisor at lunchtime, discuss their future options, collect a college prospectus or browse the wide range of information available.

  • Bay House: Careers 1, Ground floor, O Block.
  • Bay House Sixth Form: Careers 1 or Careers 2, Ground floor, O Block.

It is vital that we deliver the support you need at the right time to help you build your future so we ask for regular feedback to assess our programme. If you would like to make a suggestion about the Careers programme, ask a question, request a 1:1 guidance session or give us any feedback, please email us at