Information for Parents and Carers

Careers - Food

Our young people are living in a rapidly changing world and we are preparing our students for jobs that do not yet exist. Many jobs that we currently know will be obsolete in the not too distant future due to the advances in technology. Therefore it is vital that we support and enable our students to make informed choices about their next steps.

Parents, grandparents, family and carers are key influencers in a young person’s life – we want to give you the knowledge to support them in making informed choices. We appreciate it can be difficult to understand the variety of pathways which lead to different occupations, especially as the landscape may have changed since you left education, with apprenticeships becoming a highly sought after and viable option and newer qualifications such as T levels and degree apprenticeships becoming more prevalent. We are living in a Post-COVID world – people are learning in different ways, recruitment is often undertaken virtually or by telephone, staff are working remotely or in a hybrid environment and technology is continually advancing.

Our Bay House Careers Site is full of information to help you develop your awareness and better support your child and has a section dedicated to parents.

We are always looking to enhance our programme; feedback from parents is key so we will approach you regularly to share your thoughts. We would also like to involve parents more in our Careers programme, so if you would be interested in taking part in future activities such as mock interview days or business networking, please get in touch. If you have an interesting job or career journey, or work in an industry that offers apprenticeships, is facing a skills gap or has trouble recruiting skilled workers, please contact