What is STEM?

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It is an interdisciplinary approach to learning that emphasises the interconnectedness of these four fields. STEM education is designed to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century workforce.

Why is STEM education important?

STEM fields are driving innovation and economic growth around the world. Jobs in STEM occupations are forecast to grow much faster than average over the next decade. STEM education also prepares students to be critical thinkers and problem solvers, which are vital skills for success in any career.

How does project-based learning benefit students?

Project-based learning (PBL) is a teaching and learning method that gets students involved in real-world projects. PBL helps students develop STEM skills and knowledge in a context that is relevant to their interests and lives.

Why does STEM matter?

We love STEM in the GFM! It underpins our daily lives, drives economic growth, plays a critical role in addressing major global challenges and helps ensure our readiness for the future, from providing a sustainable supply of food, water and clean energy, to advancing healthcare, supporting our mobility, connecting us digitally and keeping us safe and secure. Some GFM learners will be the engineering innovators of the future. Therefore, we commit curriculum time to STEM for our Y7 and Y8 learners. We plan enrichment opportunities too e.g. the QinetiQ Boat challenge. 

Coastal nature and maritime opportunities

Gosport’s coastal nature and maritime heritage offer a wealth of opportunities for STEM education. Students can learn about the science of the ocean, the engineering of boats and ships, the technology of navigation and communication, and the mathematics of tides and currents. They can also explore the history of Gosport’s maritime industry and the role it has played in the town’s development.

GFM endeavours are fundamental in helping to futureproof the next generation of engineers. The ‘Thinking Like an Engineer’ report, in which the GFM feature, relates to the soft skills of EHoM and Gosport Futures. Introducing our young people to local STEM related options, post-school career, will encourage them into the local workforce and/or widen their understanding of STEM related prospects.

Engineering Habits of Mind (EHoM) & Gosport Futures (GF)

The use of EHoM (featured centrally on the diagram) has been identified, through research from the Centre for Real-World Learning and The Royal Academy of Engineering as being able to increase fluency in habits of mind such as problem-solving and collaboration; the development of ‘growth mindsets’; improvements in literacy, numeracy and oracy; enhanced self-management skills; plus a better understanding of engineering. We will show progression in the ‘habits’ across the Phases and aim to align these to Gosport Futures (featured externally on the diagram) too.

Engineering Design Process 

The pedagogy underpinning our project based learning is this 8 stage model. With thanks to David Hill from Portsmouth University for providing us with this to help guide our learning and teaching.