General Data Protection Regulation

The GDPR require public authorities and businesses to identify the lawful basis for storing personal data and audit information they already hold.

King’s Academy Bay House take data protection seriously and are constantly reviewing its practice to ensure all necessary steps to ensure security.

In order to ensure that we comply with the new regulations King’s Academy Bay House have we will continue to review policies and practices. We have updated our privacy notices in line with the new requirements which can be found below.

As part of this compliance process, we have updated the consent forms/home school agreements we have received from parents and pupils. The new regulations are clear that consent must be written to make it clear why data is needed. A lack of response cannot be interpreted as implied consent, and so we ask that and forms are completed and returned to King’s Academy Bay House promptly.

To learn more about the General Data Protection Regulation, please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office website on

Details of our compliance can be found in the Data Protection Policy and Procedure (GDPR) and Biometric Recognition Systems policy which has recently been updated to reflect the latest changes. This can be found on our policies page here.